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Celebrating the Eucharist by Steve Mueller, PhD

This booklet has been written to help you and your household members grow in an understanding and appreciation of our eucharistic ritual or Mass. The eucharist has always been, and still is, the central experience and defining ritual of our Christian lives. In it, we celebrate the presence of Christ within us as individuals and among us as his beloved community. He offers us his body and blood so that we might live anew in communion with God.

Steve Mueller, PhD, author of the five books in The Catechist’s Guide reading series from Faith Alive Books, has taught philosophy, theology, scripture and Catholic studies. He helped develop and taught for several years in the renowned Denver Catholic Biblical School and was editor-in-chief of the monthly periodical for Eucharistic spirituality Living with Christ. Steve also was a managing editor for Morehouse Education Resources for lectionary-based catechesis and sacramental preparation resources. He is the current editor for Words of Grace: Daily Reflections & Prayers for Catholics for All Saints Press ( 


I happily read Mueller's booklet on Celebrating the Eucharist. I found it very well done. Comprehensive and understandable.What stood out the most:Throughout the entire book he always speaks of Eucharist as something dynamic, never static.Communion is never limited to a union of God and us. Even when that was the thrust, it is always extended to the community.I really liked what he did with presence - explaining the various dimension of that word.Since this is a catechetical book, it was important to deal with transubstantiation and benediction. He made both understandable and linked them to the larger reality. I give it an enthusiastic thumbs up 👍. 

Fr Len SulickSenior Priest, Diocese of Grand Rapids 

With Mass attendance diminished in this contemporary and post-COVID era, Steven Mueller’s booklet presents a spirituality and spiritual practice to be cultivated by believers, as well as the ritual structures that should shape the activities of presiders, liturgy planners and liturgical ministers. Without ignoring traditional categories and language, Mueller briefly presents the vision and ideals of the theological and liturgical reforms of Vatican II. James Halstead, OSA, STDAssociate Professor of Religious Studies, DePaul University, Chicago (retired)Presdier, St. Nicholas Parish, Evanston IL. 

This clear and concise book reveals a deep appreciation of the Eucharist and its core meaning of God’s presence with us. The elements of the Eucharist are explained, and their spiritual power revealed. Finally, the book concludes with a valuable program for preparing for the Eucharist. 

Timothy R. Carmody, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL, is a member of the Catholic Biblical Association and author of Reading the Bible, Paulist Press.


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